
Showing posts from September, 2023


  WCA HUB ALX SOFTWARE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION PROGRAM PROJECT PORTFOLIO P roject Web page: A pplication S creensho t s F igure 1 . 1: Screenshot Application Home Page F igure 1.2: Screenshot of Application About page Purpose o f t he Project T eam M embers R ole and T imeline Wummy Kaseem : Preparing project landing page, writing blog post, managing project whiteboard, User authentication and authorization methodology. Celestina h Odebunmi : Preparing the Readme file, Create presentation slide, Database design and testing of project demo. Abdulbasit Abdulganiyu: Front-end user interface design (using html, css and javascript), back-end application development (using node js and mongodb), data validation, error handling and preparing the application program virtual environment. Who the Project is Created For T he project is created so that student and researchers can easily download and upload research projects for academic purposes such th