

  WCA HUB ALX SOFTWARE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION PROGRAM PROJECT PORTFOLIO P roject Web page: A pplication S creensho t s F igure 1 . 1: Screenshot Application Home Page F igure 1.2: Screenshot of Application About page Purpose o f t he Project T eam M embers R ole and T imeline Wummy Kaseem : Preparing project landing page, writing blog post, managing project whiteboard, User authentication and authorization methodology. Celestina h Odebunmi : Preparing the Readme file, Create presentation slide, Database design and testing of project demo. Abdulbasit Abdulganiyu: Front-end user interface design (using html, css and javascript), back-end application development (using node js and mongodb), data validation, error handling and preparing the application program virtual environment. Who the Project is Created For T he project is created so that student and researchers can easily download and upload research projects for academic purposes such th

Network Downtime Technical Report

                                                            A Network Downtime Technical Report Impact/Effect, Causes, Preventive and Corrective Measures Duration Start time -- 9:30am on 10/08/2023 End Time -- 12:00pm on 10/08/2023 Impact/Effect Complete downtime of mobile payment app, Web App and other Payment Platforms: As a result of the aforementioned, the e-channel platform becomes inaccessible which makes users unable to make payments, check balance and perform other transactions on the web and mobile platforms. Branches become crowded with tensed customers and contact centers buzzed with emails and phone calls from various customers across the nation. Negative reviews are also associated on all social media channels as a result of this downtime. Root Cause: The downtime was as a result of overloading of servers and network glitch and power outage from the Internet Services Provider (ISP). A phone call made through the internet service provider reveals that they were having a p


  Introduction : Digital devices and most especially computer systems have a user interface for inputting data, a processing and an output unit not to mention their  memory and other peripherals. As we all know, the digital systems are made up of electrical/electronic components (these components make a device, and group of devices resulting into a system) and mechanical materials (made with metal and plastics) for its structure and assembly. The input device/system sends in data in a form of electrical signals to the processing and memory units of the computer system and the result (termed as information) is display or send through the output units of the device/system. To answer our aforementioned question, a kind of connectivity (wired or wireless) is needed for one digital system/device to be able to fully communicate with another device/system either in the same network or remotely. The figure below (fig. 1) illustrates a block diagram of a single communication network be

How to use Microsoft Bing for Search using AI Assistance

Hi Everyone ,  For students and working-class individuals, we search the web (internet or 'ask google ') for information every time we want to seek clarity, guidance or nourish our curiosities. Using AI Assistance gives more precise and comprehensive information to all enquiry directed to it, and the easier method of using AI Assistance without paying (for the service directly or indirectly) is through the use of 'Bing' Search Engine. Steps: 1. type inside your URL and press enter 2. Click on the Chat now at the center of the page (as shown in the screenshot above) 3. Type your question or enquiry in the text box provide and press the enter key (as shown in the screenshot below) 4. Note: you might be prompt to create or sign into your microsoft account to use this free service. I hope this guide or helps someone out there! Thank you for reading. From: Abdulbasit Abdulganiyu (SE) For your content and freelance writings, kindly email: , or